University Oral Examination: UltraFlow Dual-Mode Access Network: Physical and System Implementation of Optical Access Network, Shuang Yin, Advisor: Leonid G. Kazovsky, Department of Electrical Engineering

University Oral Examination
University Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

Title: UltraFlow Dual-Mode Access Network: Physical and System Implementation of Optical Access Network
Speaker: Shuang Yin, Department of Electrical Engineering
When: Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm (Refreshments at 1:45pm)
Location: Packard 204


Optical Flow Switching (OFS) network has been proposed as a complement to the existing electronic packet switching (EPS) based network for its high efficiency in transmitting large files. In this talk, I will present our work on UltraFlow access network that enables OFS in the access network domain, and provides dual-mode service to the end users, i.e., conventional IP and novel Flow. The UltraFlow dual-mode network architecture is a promising solution facing the ever-increasing growth of Internet traffic and the newly emerging network applications.

First of all, I will discuss the concept and architecture of UltraFlow access network, and its physical implementation coexisting with passive optical networks (PONs). Experimental results show that UltraFlow access network can support full throughput communication (10 Gbps), achieve 25 km transmission distance, and serve up to 64 end users. Second, I will introduce Intra-PON Flow communication, i.e., transparent light-paths among users located in the same access network. Intra-PON channels can enable advanced network applications, e.g., video/file server backup, and coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission in the 5G mobile network era. We have also investigated the use of Quasi-PAssive Reconfigurable (QPAR) nodes to enable dynamic wavelength allocation, which improves the network performance, e.g., traffic waiting time. The utilization of remotely pumped EDFA and distantly powered QPAR node can maintain the passive nature of legacy PONs, achieve a maximum power budget of 75 dB, and support 512 end users. Finally, I will report the line rate evolution path of optical access network from 10 Gbps to 25 and 40 Gbps per wavelength for both IP and Flow channel. Advance modulation formats, i.e., Duobinary (DB) and PAM-4, optical amplification, and digital signal processing (DSP) are considered as key technologies to fulfill the data rate increase and maintain low system cost with 10G class optics. Experimental results show that bidirectional 40 Gbps per wavelength transmission can be achieved with 29 dB power budget and 5 km differential reach.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Packard 204