Agreement not to be a Congressional Candidate
Pursuant to section 4(d) of H.Res. 5, 114th Congress, and section 1(k)(2) of H.Res. 895, 110th Congress, the following members of the board and staff of the Office of Congressional Ethics have individually signed an agreement not to be a candidate for the office of Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress for purposes of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 until at least 3 years after the individual is no longer a member of the board or staff of the Office of Congressional Ethics:
Mike D. Barnes
Judy Biggert
Jay Eagen
Karan L. English
Porter J. Goss
Allison Hayward
Belinda Pinckney
David E. Skaggs
Omar Ashmawy
Kelly Brewington
William H. Cable
Helen Eisner
Mary K. Flanagan
Scott Gast
Bryson Baird Morgan
Paul Solis
Nate Wright