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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Bridgers, Allen
TDCJ Number 999267
Date of Birth 3/6/1971
Date Received 5/14/98
Age (when Received) 27
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 10 years
Date of Offense 5/25/97
  Age (at the time of Offense) 27
  County Smith
  Race Black
  Gender Male
  Hair Color Black
  Height 5-8
  Weight 153
  Eye Color Brown
  Native County Portsmouth City
  Native State Virginia

Prior Occupation

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
On May 25, 1997 Bridgers murdered a 53-year-old black female. Bridgers had been living with the victim and took a .38-caliber revolver and fatally shot her in the throat. Bridgers then stole her 1985 Lincoln Town car, which he later left at a bus terminal in Dallas, Texas. Then Bridgers took a bus to Florida. He was arrested in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on May 28, 1997.


Race and Gender of Victim
Black female