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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Cargill, Kimberly
TDCJ Number 999572
Date of Birth 11/30/1966
Date Received 06/07/2012
Age (when Received) 45
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12
Date of Offense 06/18/2010
  Age (at the time of Offense) 43
  County Smith
  Race White
  Gender Female
  Hair Color Gray
  Height 5 ft 3 in
  Weight 145
  Eye Color Green
  Native County Jones
  Native State Mississippi

Prior Occupation
  Office Clerk

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
Subject did not want the victim to testify against her in a child protective case.  Subject told the victim she would come and get her and hide her so she would not be required to testify because of the subpoena.  Subject claims the victim had a seizure and quit breathing while they were driving.  She drove her to a county road, doused the victim with lighter fluid and set her clothes on fire.  Subject then left the scene.


Race and Gender of Victim
Black female