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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Linda Carty
TDCJ Number 999406
Date of Birth 10/05/1958
Date Received 03/07/2002
Age (when Received) 43
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 1st year of college
Date of Offense 05/16/2001
  Age (at the time of Offense) 42
  County Harris
  Race Black
  Gender Female
  Hair Color Black
  Height 5 ft 3 in
  Weight 220
  Eye Color Brown
  Native County St. Chistopher, British Virgin Islands
  Native State  

Prior Occupation

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
On 05/16/2001 Carty and three co-defendants invaded the home of a 25 year old female. The victim and her three day old baby were kidnapped and two other victims were beaten, duct taped, and left in the residence. The 25 year old female was hog-tied with duct tape, a bag was taped over her head, and she was placed in the trunk of a car. This victim died from suffocation.

Chris Robinson
Gerald Anderson
Carlos Williams

Race and Gender of Victim
white female