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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Cortez, Raul
TDCJ Number 999543
Date of Birth 03/17/1981
Date Received 02/04/2009
Age (when Received) 27
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 10th Grade
Date of Offense 03/12/2004
  Age (at the time of Offense) 22
  County Collins
  Race Hispanic
  Gender Male
  Hair Color Black
  Height 5' 10"
  Weight 235
  Eye Color Brown
  Native County Cook
  Native State Illinois

Prior Occupation
Mechanic, Welder, Laborer

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
On March 12, 2004, the subject and two (2) codefendants approached a house posing to look for a lost puppy. When one of the victims (hispanic female) answered the door, they rushed her, taking her to the floor. After the subject and the codefendants had the victim tied up, three (3) more victims walked into the house, an adult hispanic male and two (2) adult white males. When they entered the house, they were told to get down. At this time, the subject and codefendants started shooting at the three (3). The three (3) victims were caught and taken into the bedroom and killed execution style. The first victim was also killed execution style. The subject and codefendants then fled the scene in a stolen vehicle belonging to one of the victims.

Eddie Williams and Javier Cortez

Race and Gender of Victim
One (1) hispanic female, one (1) hispanic male and two (2) white males.