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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Devoe, Paul Gilbert
TDCJ Number 999550
Date of Birth 08/31/1963
Date Received 10/16/2009
Age (when Received) 46
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 10th Grade, GED
Date of Offense 08/24/2007
  Age (at the time of Offense) 43
  County Travis
  Race White
  Gender Male
  Hair Color Brown
  Height 5' 08"
  Weight 202
  Eye Color Hazel
  Native County  
  Native State  

Prior Occupation
Construction Worker

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
The subject on August 24, 2007, during the daytime in Jonestown, Texas, entering a residence and using a .380 pistol to shoot a 15 year old white female in the forehead, a 48 year old white male in the upper right shoulder, a 46 year old white female in the head and a 17 year old white female in the right cheek, left chin and inside of her head causing the deaths of all 4 victims.


Race and Gender of Victim
15 year old white female, 46 year old white female, 17 year old white female, and 48 year old white male.