Death Row Information
Offender Information
Last Statement
Date of Execution:
April 9, 2014
Ramiro Hernandez, #999342
Last Statement:
Yes, sir. First I would like to thank God for letting me see my family. I say this with love, I'm sorry. I say this for my family with love and with God, I love you. I'm happy, and I would like to say on behalf of my family, I love y'all. I am happy. I look into my family's eyes, and I see sadness. Don't be sad, I'm happy. I am sorry for what I have done. Be mindful that I am happy till the end. To the family of my boss, I love you. Young people, listen to your parents; always do what they tell you to do, go to school, learn from your mistakes. Be careful before you sign anything with your name. Never, despite what other people say. God is with y'all. God is the only witness that knows what happened that night. I, Ramiro Hernandez, say this with lots of love to young people, listen to your parents please. Live your life to the fullest, you only live your life once. To the prison system, I would like to thank y'all. Thanks to the officers and to the warden that are going to witness this. I say this with a lot of love and happiness. I have no pain and no guilt. All I have is love. Love will win. Thank you God, I am going with you.