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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Holberg, Brittany Marlowe
TDCJ Number 999258
Date of Birth 01/01/1973
Date Received 3/27/1998
Age (when Received) 25
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 11
Date of Offense 11/13/1996
  Age (at the time of Offense) 23
  County Randall
  Race White
  Gender Female
  Hair Color Brown
  Height 5 ft 5 in
  Weight 125 lbs.
  Eye Color green
  Native County Potter
  Native State Texas

Prior Occupation

Prior Prison Record
#986488, Substance Abuse Felony Punishment program, released upon completion (09/01/1996)

Summary of Incident
Holberg robbed and murdered an 80 year old white male in his home. The victim was struck with a hammer and stabbed nearly 60 times. The weapons used were: a paring knife, a butcher knife, a grapefruit knife, and a fork. A lamp pole had been shoved more than 5 inches down the victim's throat.


Race and Gender of Victim
White male