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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Johnson, Dexter
TDCJ Number 999527
Date of Birth 06/07/1988
Date Received 07/02/2007
Age (when Received) 19
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 9th Grade
Date of Offense 06/18/2006
  Age (at the time of Offense) 18
  County Harris
  Race Black
  Gender Male
  Hair Color Black
  Height 5' 8''
  Weight 149
  Eye Color Brown
  Native County Harris County
  Native State Texas

Prior Occupation

Prior Prison Record

Summary of Incident
The subject and four co-defendants approached a vehicle parked at a dead end street which was occupied by an Asian male and female. The victims were forced into the back seat and taken to a secluded location where the female was sexually assaulted and both victims' were shot one time. Then two of the subjects drove off in the victim's vehicle and two of the subjects following as a trail car. The victims were robbed of $25 in cash and a credit card.

1) Alain Bulter, 2) Keithron Fields, 3) Ashley Ervin, 4) Timothy Randall.

Race and Gender of Victim
1) 23 year old Asian female and 2) Asian man, age unknown.