Death Row Information
Offender Information
Last Statement
Date of Execution:
November 14, 2000
Stacey Lawton #999066
Last Statement:
I am saying, I want y'all to keep your heads up, hold on and stay strong for everybody. I mean ah, I don't want y'all to look at me like I am a killer or something man, cause I ain't no killer. I mean, I didn't, I didn't kill your father. I mean, I know how it look, but I didn't do it. You know what I am saying? You were out there with me, Tommy. I mean, you know man. (mumbled) You know I always did want to say something to y'all. Right? I can't say that I done it because I didn't do it. I've got love for everybody. I am a Christian now. I'm saying I want everybody to keep thier heads up and stay strong. I'm going to stay strong. I'll be seeing you, this is my last breath. Ricky, keep your head up baby. All y'all, Doreen, Melodee. I mean, I know y'all don't come down here. I just really don't know what y'all want me to say. I mean, I know, ah, I mean, I'm sorry anybody, ah, anybody got killed that night. It wasn't supposed to happen, but I didn't do it. I really didn't do it. I don't want y'all to go through life thinking that I did. You know what I am saying? I love everybody and I want y'all to stay strong. Right? It would take me an hour or a long time, man, but, ah, man, I don't want to hold y'all up, man, like that, ah. Y'all just keep your head up and stay strong, man. Give my love to everybody. I love y'all.