Death Row Information
Offender Information
Last Statement
Date of Execution:
August 14, 2002
Javier Suarez Medina #944
Last Statement:
First of all, I would like to apologize to the family members of the Cadena family for whatever hurt and suffering I have caused you. This opportunity has never come up before. It's not that I haven't been remorseful, things just never worked out before. Please forgive me and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. The peace you will find will be a temporary peace, true peace will come through find Christ. I pray through this execution, that you will find the peace you seek. Give yourself to Christ and find peace through him. I thought about your loved one very much. He will be waiting in heaven for me. I will be able to talk to him and ask him for forgiveness personally. To my family, I thank you and love you for being there for me and supporting me. This is just a stepping stone to home. The hardest part of all the years I was on death row. To all people that supported me, you will always be in my heart, as I have always been in yours. God bless you. Keep your heads up, see you again soon. Forgive me for the pain I caused you. (Spanish) To all the people of Mexico, I would like to thank them for the help. I also want to carry each and every one of you in my heart. If you are going to demonstrate, I don't want you to do anything crazy to these people. They have suffered enough. Long lives Mexico. Raise the flag of Mexico with honor. Thanks for everything. I love you. (English) To everyone on death row, keep your heads up and I will see you again. I am truly sorry, may you find peace in this. Forgive me for the pain. God bless you, I love you all, and I'm ready to go home.