Death Row Information
Offender Information
Name | Murphy, Jedidiah Isaac | |
TDCJ Number | 999392 | |
Date of Birth | 09/01/1975 | |
Date Received | 07/26/2001 | |
Age (when Received) | 25 | |
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) | 12 | |
Date of Offense | 10/04/2000 | |
Age (at the time of Offense) | 25 | |
County | Dallas | |
Race | White | |
Gender | Male | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Height | 5 ft 7 in | |
Weight | 155 | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Native County | Sutton | |
Native State | Texas |
Prior Occupation
welder, contractor, laborer
Prior Prison Record
#687358 for burglary of a habitation and burglary of a vehicle. Released in 1994 on shock probation.
Summary of Incident
On 10/04/2000, in Garland, Murphy forced a 79 year old white female to give him a ride at gunpoint. After riding for about 30 minutes, Murphy forced the victim into the trunk of the car. The victim was shot while getting into the trunk. Murphy then drove the victim's car to Van Zandt County, where the victim was removed from the trunk and drowned in a creek. Murphy later used the victim's credit cards to purchase alcohol and cigarettes.
Race and Gender of Victim
White female