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Death Row Information

Offender Information

Picture of Offender Name Nelson, Steven Lawayne
TDCJ Number 999576
Date of Birth 02/18/1987
Date Received 10/16/2012
Age (when Received) 25
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 11
Date of Offense 03/03/2011
  Age (at the time of Offense) 24
  County Tarrant
  Race Black
  Gender Male
  Hair Color Black
  Height 5'07"
  Weight 164
  Eye Color Brown
  Native County Pontatoz
  Native State Oklahoma

Prior Occupation

Prior Prison Record
#1440381 - State jail offense for Theft, discharged upon expiration of sentence on November 5, 2007.
#1550504 - State jail offense for Burglary of a Building, discharged upon expiration of sentence on April 16, 2010.

Summary of Incident
Subject and two codefendants entered the church to rob the victims of their personal items.  The pastor had been bound and suffocated with a plastic bag, additionally with blunt force trauma to his head, face, back, shoulder, arms and hands.  The female victim had massive head trauma but was alive.

Anthony Gregory Springs and Clifford Jefferson

Race and Gender of Victim
White male