Death Row Information
Offender Information
Last Statement
Date of Execution:
July 11, 2001
James Wilkins #897
Last Statement:
Sandy, all of you, I am sorry. Please hear me. Please in the name of God forgive me. Please understand. Please find that peace. I am really sorry. Please for your sake forgive me. All of you please. I love my sister, my friends, father. Thank you for loving me and being with me. You are magnificent people. God has blessed me more than I deserve. I would like to end with a prayer. Heavenly Father, as I come to you to praise and thank you that even now I can endure the pain that you endured when you died for me on the cross. You have forgiven me of my sins and travesties. Thank you, Lord, for giving me strength. Give them strength to forgive me. Ask them to have them forgive me in their hearts. I ask you to touch each and every one of them. I am truly repentant. In the name of Jesus Christ I love you. Warden I am ready to go home please. Remember God is peace, God is love.