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Become a Champion for Coverage

Become a “Champion for Coverage” and help us make sure all Americans can get the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford.


Why should my organization become a “Champion for Coverage?”

To take advantage of the online Health Insurance Marketplace, millions of uninsured individuals and families need to know about it and sign up.  We need help from the public and private sectors to let people know about these new benefits and get them enrolled.  

Millions of people signed up for health coverage in the first two years of the federally-run Health Insurance Marketplace. For 2017 coverage, the open enrollment period runs from November 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. Champions are key to sharing this information with their networks and communities. The Marketplace:

  • Gives people who are uninsured more plan choices
  • Helps lower the costs of insurance for working families and small business


Ways your organization can be a Champion for Coverage

  1. Send your partners/members/customers to the official consumer sources to learn about the Marketplace and get coverage:
  2. Send an email to your network about the Marketplace.
  3. Post the and/or widgets on your website.
  4. Hang  at your agency and/or give out to colleagues and consumers about the Marketplace.
  5. Host a conference call, webinar, or another educational event about the Marketplace.
  6. Include a story about the Marketplace in your organizational newsletter or other publication.
  7. Record and send out a public service announcement about the Marketplace.
  8. Have your staff/members learn about the Marketplace in educational sessions.
  9. Connect with your partners/members/customers through official Marketplace social media channels to share their stories:
  10. Partner with local in-person enrollment assisters. For example, you can provide space for enrollment sessions or fairs, computers so people can check out the Marketplace online, educational support, and other resources and support.


How can my organization become a “Champion for Coverage?”

First, take action – for ideas, act on some of the items on the preceding list. Second, if you're interested in being publicly recognized as an official “Champion for Coverage,” fill out our online form. Once we get your information, we’ll follow up with you. If you have questions, send an email to Please note that only organizations can become Champions, so individuals wishing to join must be affiliated with an organization and send an online request form with their agency’s name.  

Please keep in mind that Champion for Coverage organizations must not be in a position to profit from their Champion designation. If your organization falls under this category but would still like to contribute to your valuable work by conducting Marketplace outreach, please email us at so we can provide you with details on how to stay connected with the latest information.

See the growing list of national and state champions