Services & Resources
Programs and services available to students with disabilities, publications, training and technical assistance opportunities, and recruitment resources and materials.Information
Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities
TEACH California and Special Education Employment
- Special Education - CalEdFacts
This content is part of California Department of Education's information about special education in the State of California. - Common Core Resources for Special Education
Resources and guidelines on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for the Special Education Community. - District & Statewide Assessment
- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
California's new statewide student assessment system.
- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
- Guidance
- Inventory of Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities
Resource tools for technical assistance providers working with districts in Program Improvement under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). - Diabetes Management in Schools (Posted 07-Aug-2007)
Information to assist schools in effectively managing diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children. - ED Response to Report Card and Transcript Questions (Posted 24-Aug-2006)
United States Department of Education clarifies issues regarding grade reporting for students with disabilities. - Algebra I Graduation Requirement (Revised 17-Jul-2006)
Guidance and resources for teaching algebra concepts to students with disabilities.- Algebra I (Or Its Equivalent) Graduation Requirement For Students With Disabilities (Revised 15-May-2009)
- Promotion, Retention, and Grading (Updated 06-Apr-2012)
Frequently asked questions from the field regarding the promotion, retention, and grading of students with disabilities. - Assistive Technology (AT) Network
Provides information and education on accessibility of tools, resources, and technology that will help increase independence, and improve personal productivity.- Assistive Technology Checklist (Updated 20-Apr-2011)
Examples of assistive technology.
- Assistive Technology Checklist (Updated 20-Apr-2011)
- Inventory of Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities
Epilepsy Education and Awareness (Added 18-Oct-2010)
Information for parents and educators on the needs of children with epilepsy in the California school system.
Special Education Resources (Updated 06-Mar-2012)
Links to sites related to Special Education national and state laws, regulations.
The Guidelines for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in California Public Schools (Second Edition)
(PDF; 2MB) defines and describes the occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) services to be provided in an educational setting, compliant with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004; Title 20, United States Code Section 1400 et seq.; and the OT and PT scopes of practice and state license requirements.
Addressing Learning Disabilities and Difficulties: How to Reach and Teach Every Student
This revised edition of I Can Learn will help students with learning difficulties or learning disabilities excel in the general education classroom.
Braille Mathematics Standards (PDF; 2MB) - adopted by the State Board of Education in 2006
Braille Reading Standards (PDF) - adopted by the State Board of Education in 2006
Early Childhood Special Education
Handbook Series (Revised 19-Nov-2007)
Core concepts and preferred practices for successful, high-quality
intervention services.
Determining Specific Learning
Disability Eligibility Using Response To Instruction And Intervention (RtI2) (DOC; 4MB; Posted 26-Aug-2009) | PDF (Posted 26-Aug-2009)
Technical assistance information for local educational agencies as they begin planning to implement RtI2.
National Dissemination
Center for Children with Disabilities
A central source of information on IDEA, No Child Left Behind
(as it relates to children with disabilities) and research-based
information on effective educational practices.
Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students - Guidelines for Quality Standards, 2000 (PDF; 1MB)
This publication can be ordered from the CDE Press Sales Desk. The item number of this publication is
Reasons for Concern Brochure (Posted 25-Jan-2006)
That your child or a child in your care may need help.
in Special Education (RiSE) Library
RiSE Library is located with Parents Helping Parents (PHP) of
Santa Clara, a Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), in
an effort to enhance parent partnerships.
Announcement: The California Department of Education, Special Education Division, announces the RiSE Library will close effective July 1, 2013. The PHP Library, where the RiSE library collection has resided since the late 1990’s, will assume and manage the collection. The California Department of Education is combining resources for families of students with special education needs while simplifying the process of accessing online and hard copy materials. Select the link above to access the combined collection.
The Special EDge Newsletter
Informing and supporting parents, educators, and other service
providers on special education topics, with a focus on research-based
practices, legislation, technical support, and current resources.
Surrogate Parents in California Special Education (Updated 08-Feb-2012)
Prepublication release of revised manual to train surrogate parents to serve as child representatives in California Special Education.
Training and Technical Assistance Opportunities
DRDP access Assessment System (Removed 23-Mar-2015)
Preschool Special Education Federal Requirements. (This page is currently being reviewed and revised.)
Individualized Education Program (IEP) in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended in 2004.
- Training on Writing IEP Based on State Standards (Updated 07-Dec-2010)
Writing measurable annual goals and objectives in the IEP related to California Content Standards. - Resources on IEPs for Children with Disabilities (Updated 20-Apr-2011)
Resources to improve instruction, assessment, and accountability for students with disabilities.
Special Contracted Projects:
- California
Services for Technical Assistance and Training (Cal STAT)
Develops partnerships with schools and families by providing training, technical assistance and resources to both special education and general education. - Least
Restrictive Environment (LRE) Resources Project
Provides resources for use by districts and sites to improve services of all students, and includes information on teacher training, mentoring, facilitating, technical assistance, specialized materials and leadership sites. - Project Read
- California’s State Personnel Development Grant, Project Read, focusing on improving reading achievement and academic performance for middle school students in 44 competitively selected middle school sites.
- Training Evaluation Database (TED) Tool
One-stop database for many training and technical assistance information collection needs.
of Developmental Services Early Start (Birth to Three Services)
Provides information regarding early intervention services for
infants and toddlers through California Early Start. Includes
regional services and online resources.
TEACH California and Special Education Employment Opportunities
- Recruiting California Teachers
Provides information and links for individuals seeking teaching
positions in California with emphasis on special education,
and science teachers.
- Service-Learning
Explore a career in special education through service-learning
California Department of Education Employment Opportunities:
- Professional Development
Prepares, trains and recruits high-quality teachers, principals, paraprofessional and other staff. - Selection
Services Office
Information on Special Education Consultants, Assistants and Visiting Educators and links for qualified personnel seeking education positions in California.