California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
California's new statewide student assessment system.CAASPP System
On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the CAASPP System of assessments. The CAASPP - CalEdFacts Web page provides a more detailed overview of the system. For 2014–15, the CAASPP System includes the following required assessments and tools:
- Smarter Balanced Assessments – The Summative Assessments, Interim Assessments, and Digital Library are all part of the CAASPP System.
- Summative Assessments –
In grades 3 through 8 and 11 for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. The Summative Assessments are administered as part of the CAASPP System.
- Interim Assessments –
Designed to inform and promote teaching and learning by providing information that can be used to monitor student progress toward mastery of the Common Core State Standards. These optional resources are available to all K–12 teachers in ELA and mathematics.
- Digital Library –
Consists of tools and practices designed to help teachers utilize formative assessment processes for improved teaching and learning in all grades. These optional resources are available to all K–12 teachers.
- The Formative Assessment Process
(PDF; Posted 26-May-2015) – a Smarter Balanced document describing the four attributes of the formative assessment process.
- The Formative Assessment Process
- Summative Assessments –
In grades 3 through 8 and 11 for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. The Summative Assessments are administered as part of the CAASPP System.
- Alternate Assessments for ELA and mathematics in grades 3 through 8 and 11. The California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for ELA and mathematics has been eliminated. All CAPA eligible students will instead participate in a field test of an alternate assessment to be administered from April 15 to June 10, 2015. The CAPA for science in grades 5, 8, and 10 will continue to be administered until a replacement assessment is available.
- Science Assessments in grades 5, 8, and 10 (i.e., California Standards Tests [CST], California Modified Assessment [CMA], and CAPA).
- Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) for reading/language arts in grades 2 through 11 (optional).
- 2015 CAASPP Results
(Revised 13-Nov-2015) – School, district, county, and statewide summary results.
- CAASPP Public Reporting Web Site – Frequently Asked Questions
CAASPP Communications Toolkit, CAASPP Flash, and CAASPP Update
The CAASPP Communications Toolkit is a link to Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment resources, including communications and key informational documents to inform schools, families, and community representatives about online summative testing.
To receive regular updates on the latest information about the CAASPP System, including the Smarter Balanced assessments, join the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) CAASPP e-mail list by sending a blank e-mail to:
CAASPP Communications Toolkit | CAASPP Flash | CAASPP Update
CAASPP Student Score Reports – Samples of 2015 CAASPP student score reports.
CAASPP Technical Report and Studies – Technical reports and studies for test administered under the CAASPP System.
The CAASPP Chart describes the tests administered to California’s students in the 2014–15 school year as part of the CAASPP System. For more information, including ordering paper-pencil tests and accessing the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests, visit the CAASPP Web site
The 2015 Estimated Testing Times
for Smarter Balanced assessments describes the approximate times that will be required to complete each portion of the summative tests for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. These tests are not timed; therefore, actual completion times will vary.
CAASPP Emergency Regulations (DOC) – These emergency regulations only include the amended sections approved at the November 2015 State Board of Education meeting. For the sections not included in the Emergency Regulations, please visit the Westlaw Next Web site
CAASPP 101 (PDF; 1MB) – An overview of the 2014–15 CAASPP System, including administration and reporting. These materials are intended for local educational agency (LEA) CAASPP site coordinators, other administrators, teachers, parents/guardians, and others who seek a basic understanding of the CAASPP System.
Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments – Information about the optional diagnostic assessments for students in grade two for English language arts/literacy and mathematics that meet the requirements of California Education Code Section 60644.
Progress Report on the 2014-15 Summative Assessments (PDF)
2014 Post-Field Test Survey Results (PDF; 2MB)
Related Resources
- Common Core State Standards
- English-Spanish Education and Assessment Glossary – Translation glossary developed by the California Department of Education.
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
- Spring 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test Web page – Archived information and resources about the Smarter Balanced Field Test. No summary or individual results from the Field Test are available.
- Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
- Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program Results Web Page – Includes school, district, county, and statewide summary results for the CST, CMA, CAPA, STS, Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition (SAT/9), and California Achievement Tests, Sixth Edition Survey (CAT/6) results.
Coordinators & Admins
Communications for Local Educational Agencies
- Customizable PowerPoint template for local educational agencies to communicate with parents and stakeholders about the 2014-15 CAASPP results.
- 2014–15 CAASPP results - English (PPT; 4MB) | PDF
- 2014–15 CAASPP results - Spanish (PPT; 3MB) | PDF
- Parent Guides to the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: Grades 3 – 5 (PDF) | Grades 6 – 8 (PDF) | Grade 11 (PDF)
- Letter to LEAs about Online Reporting System and Other Resources Available Prior to Statewide Release of 2015 Summative Assessment Results
- Parent and Guardian Score Report Letter Template – English (DOC) | Parent and Guardian Score Report Letter Template – Spanish (DOC)
- Letter to LEA CAASPP Coordinators about the 2015–16 interim assessments enhancements.
- Videos – Brief student videos gives key information about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and how to get additional information about testing in the State of California.
- An Academic Checkup
(Video; 2:44), a video about the Smarter Balanced assessments produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
- High School Students - English
(Video; 3:37) | High School Students - Spanish
(Video; 3:50)
- Elementary and Middle School Students - English
(Video; 3:18) | Elementary and Middle School Students - Spanish
(Video; 3:25)
- An Academic Checkup
Training Videos and Webcast Archives
are available with the latest information about preparing for the spring 2015 administration of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
Common Core State Standards 101
(PDF) is a document that provides an overview of the research, development, and collaboration efforts behind the new assessments designed to meet the educational needs of 21st century teaching and learning.
A letter of support from the higher education institutes of California endorses the Common Core State Standards for California students.
- CAASPP Communication-Related Common Questions about Smarter Balanced Assessments – Addresses common questions that are asked about the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
- CAASPP Communication about Smarter Balanced – Addresses the Smarter Balanced Comprehensive Plan and the collaborative
role of teachers to facilitate the changes being implemented to
improve teaching and learning.
- Smarter Balanced and Teachers: Preparing Students for Success (English)
(PDF) | Smarter Balanced and Teachers: Preparing Students for Success (Spanish)
This document from Smarter Balanced describes the benefits of an online assessment, along with key features and additional resources that help support teaching and learning in every classroom.
- Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (English)
(PDF) | Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (Spanish)
This document describes the two criteria for creating an online, adaptive test and how the adaptive software works for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
- Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (English)
(PDF) | Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (Spanish)
This document highlights the timeline for research and development that was key to the work behind creating online assessments that support learning for all students.
- Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (English)
(PDF) | Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (Spanish) (PDF)
This document describes how new tests based on the Common Core State Standards can help prepare students to graduate high school ready for college and the workplace.
Student Accessibility Supports
The CAASPP System provides accessibility supports for all students, including those who are English learners and students with disabilities. Teachers are encouraged to review these supports early in the school year and provide opportunities for students to experience these supports throughout their classroom instructional and assessment experiences.
Test Administration Resources
Fact Sheet on Testing – This document provides timely information about technology and administration readiness as LEAs prepare to begin online testing for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
The Dual Logins graphic displays the two logins required to access the two systems (i.e., CAASPP and Smarter Balanced) and the components with these systems. In order to administer the summative and interim assessments and access the formative assessment resources, teachers, and administrators need access to both systems.
The 2014–15 CAASPP Testing Windows document describes the formulas for the completion of instructional days for each CAASPP System assessment for the 2014–15 school year.
The 2015 Estimated Testing Times
for Smarter Balanced assessments table describe approximate times that will be required to complete each portion of the summative tests for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. These tests are not timed and times will vary.
New Resources for the Interim Assessments
- ICAs Table of Hand Scoring Items and Total Number of Questions Per Test – This document is intended to assist LEA CAASPP coordinators, site coordinators, and test administrators in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the interim comprehensive assessments (ICA). The following table provides key information, including the total number of items appearing on each ICA. This total includes items that are both machine-scored and hand-scored. Also included on this table are the number of items that require local hand scoring on the non-Performance Task (PT) constructed response, the PT constructed response, and the PT essay.
- Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) Table of Hand Scoring Requirements by Subject and Grade – These tables are intended to assist LEAs in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB). Included in each table are the total number of items on each IAB. The total number of items shown includes both machine-scored and hand-scored items. Each table also provides the number of constructed response and essay items that require local hand scoring.
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Estimated Times for Hand Scoring Items – This table is a Smarter Balanced document that describes a range of estimated times required to complete the hand scoring portion of the interim assessments.
Related Resources
Digital Library Factsheet – The Digital Library Factsheet provides information that educators can use to share with parents and interested community members. It describes what is contained in the Digital Library, and how these resources can be used to inform teaching and learning aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments – Information about the optional diagnostic assessments for students in grade two for English-language arts and mathematics that meet the requirements of California Education Code Section 60644.
Parent Notification Letter - English (DOC) | Parent Notification Letter - Spanish (DOC)
Notification letter of this year’s statewide assessments. Note: The sample letter serves as a notice to parents of the year’s statewide assessments and does not satisfy a district’s obligation to notify parents of their right to exempt their child from statewide assessments pursuant to Education Code Section 60615.
Invitation to Participate in Scoring – California educators are invited to participate in the scoring of the Smarter Balanced constructed responses and performance tasks for spring 2015. Educators interested in scoring should submit the Hand Scoring Recruitment Announcement
Apportionment Information – Information regarding the apportionment reimbursements to LEAs for assessments administered as part of the CAASPP System.
Professional Learning Modules – Professional learning modules (PLMs) are available at no cost to educators on the California Department of Education-sponsored Digital Chalkboard
(formerly Brokers of Expertise). These modules are intended to help teachers transition to the Common Core State Standards and can be taken individually or as a group.
Common Core State Standards – In 2010, more than 45 states adopted the same standards for English-language arts/literacy and mathematics. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.
English-Spanish Education and Assessment Glossary – Translation glossary developed by the California Department of Education.
Assistance for Teachers
The Dual Logins graphic displays the two logins required to access the two systems (i.e., CAASPP and Smarter Balanced) and the components with these systems. In order to administer the summative and interim assessments and access the formative assessment resources, teachers, and administrators need access to both systems.
Practice and Training Tests
This link accesses both the Practice and Training Tests portal. The Practice Tests provide students with grade-specific testing experiences that are similar in structure and format to the Summative Assessments. The Training Tests provide students with the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features. The Training Tests are organized by grade-bands (e.g., 3–5).
Instructional Uses for Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests
Assists teachers with integrating assessment strategies and technology skills from the Practice and Training Tests into daily classroom instruction.
Resources Search
A searchable site that houses a collection of resources to support implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
Keyboard Commands for Students
Provides keyboard commands students and teachers can use to navigate between test elements, features, and tools.
Sample Items and Performance Tasks
Provides sample items and performance tasks for ELA\literacy and mathematics.
Smarter Balanced Resources
Test blueprints, initial achievement level descriptors and college content readiness policy, accessibility and accommodation information, Common Core State Standards, presentations, frequently asked questions, and fact sheets.
Communications for Teachers
- CAASPP Communication-Related Common Questions about Smarter Balanced Assessments – Addresses common questions that are asked about the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
- CAASPP Communication about Smarter Balanced – Addresses the Smarter Balanced Comprehensive Plan and the collaborative
role of teachers to facilitate the changes being implemented to
improve teaching and learning.
- Smarter Balanced and Teachers: Preparing Students for Success (English)
(PDF) | Smarter Balanced and Teachers: Preparing Students for Success (Spanish)
This document from Smarter Balanced describes the benefits of an online assessment, along with key features and additional resources that help support teaching and learning in every classroom.
- Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (English)
(PDF) | Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (Spanish)
This document describes the two criteria for creating an online, adaptive test and how the adaptive software works for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
- Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (English)
(PDF) | Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (Spanish)
This document highlights the timeline for research and development that was key to the work behind creating online assessments that support learning for all students.
- Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (English)
(PDF) | Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (Spanish) (PDF)
This document describes how new tests based on the Common Core State Standards can help prepare students to graduate high school ready for college and the workplace.
New Resources for the Interim Assessments
- ICAs Table of Hand Scoring Items and Total Number of Questions Per Test – This document is intended to assist LEA CAASPP coordinators, site coordinators, and test administrators in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the interim comprehensive assessments (ICA). The following table provides key information, including the total number of items appearing on each ICA. This total includes items that are both machine-scored and hand-scored. Also included on this table are the number of items that require local hand scoring on the non-Performance Task (PT) constructed response, the PT constructed response, and the PT essay.
- Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) Table of Hand Scoring Requirements by Subject and Grade – These tables are intended to assist LEAs in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB). Included in each table are the total number of items on each IAB. The total number of items shown includes both machine-scored and hand-scored items. Each table also provides the number of constructed response and essay items that require local hand scoring.
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Estimated Times for Hand Scoring Items – This table is a Smarter Balanced document that describes a range of estimated times required to complete the hand scoring portion of the interim assessments.
CAASPP Training Videos
- What is a CAT?
(Video; 13:16)
- Embedded Universal Tools and Online Features
(Video; 21:35)
- Performance Task Overview
(Video; 18:01)
Additional Related Resources and Notices
Invitation to Participate in Scoring – California educators are invited to participate in the scoring of the Smarter Balanced constructed responses and performance tasks for spring 2015. Educators interested in scoring should submit the Hand Scoring Recruitment Announcement
Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments – Information about the optional grade two diagnostic assessments for English-language arts and mathematics that meet the requirements of California Education Code Section 60644.
Professional Learning Modules – Professional learning modules (PLMs) are available at no cost to educators on the California Department of Education-sponsored Digital Chalkboard
(formerly Brokers of Expertise). These modules are intended to help teachers transition to the Common Core State Standards and can be taken individually or as a group.
Common Core State Standards – In 2010, more than 45 states adopted the same standards for English-language arts/literacy and mathematics. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.
English-Spanish Education and Assessment Glossary – Translation glossary developed by the California Department of Education.
Students & Parents
The CAASPP System is intended to provide parents and students more accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. Because the Smarter Balanced Assessments, which are administered as part of the CAASPP System, are computer adaptive, these Assessments will also provide better information about the needs and successes of individual students.
Parent Resources
- 2015 CAASPP Student Score Reports sent to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) – Production of 2015 CAASPP student score reports has begun. LEAs that have completed 100 percent of their testing will be the first to receive the student score reports. LEAs will continue to receive the student score reports into September.
- Sample CAASPP Student Score Report (PDF)
- Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Reports
- Parent Guides to the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
- Parent Guide, Grades 3– 5 (PDF) | Parent Guide, Grades 6 – 8 (PDF) | Parent Guide, Grade 11 (PDF)
- Parent Guide, Grades 3– 5, Spanish translation (PDF; 2MB) | Parent Guide, Grades 6 – 8, Spanish translation (PDF; 2MB) | Parent Guide, Grade 11, Spanish translation (PDF; 2MB)
- Parent Guide Promotional Flyer (PDF)
- California PTA
– This Web site provides resources and information about the new Smarter Balanced assessments built to help students, parents, teachers, and school leaders know where students are on the path to success. Included on this Web site are updated resources to help understand your child's CAASPP scores.
Videos – Brief student videos gives key information about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and how to get additional information about testing in the State of California.
- An Academic Checkup
(Video; 2:44), a video about the Smarter Balanced assessments produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
- High School Students - English
(Video; 3:37) | High School Students - Spanish
(Video; 3:50)
- Elementary and Middle School Students - English
(Video; 3:18) | Elementary and Middle School Students - Spanish
(Video; 3:25)
- Understanding Your Child’s Score Report (English)
(Video; 3:38)
Explains the new CAASPP Student Score Report for 2015. - Entendiendo el Reporte de Calificaciones Individual de CAASPP del Estudiante
(Video; 4:34)
Este vídeo le ayudará a usted y a su hijo a aprender sobre el nuevo “Reporte de Calificaciones del Estudiante” de California y de los resultados de los exámenes estandarizados de fin de año.
Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (English)
(PDF) | Smarter Balanced Parents Factsheet (Spanish)
This document describes how new tests based on the Common Core State Standards can help prepare students to graduate high school ready for college and the workplace.
Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (English)
(PDF) | Creating a Computer Adaptive Test (Spanish)
This document describes the two criteria for creating an online, adaptive test and how the adaptive software works for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (English)
(PDF) | Accessibility and Accommodations: Meeting the Needs of all Students (Spanish)
This document highlights the timeline for research and development that was key to the work behind creating online assessments that support learning for all students.
Practice and Training Tests
This link accesses both the Practice and Training Tests portal. The Practice Tests provide students with grade-specific testing experiences that are similar in structure and format to the Summative Assessments. The Training Tests provide students with the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features. The Training Tests are organized by grade-bands (e.g., 3–5).
Common Core State Standards Resources for Parents and Guardians
These resources have been compiled for parents and guardians interested in learning more about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and how to support their child's attainment of these standards.
Student Resources
Multiplication Table (1–9)
This resource is a single digit (1–9) multiplication table that is a non-embedded accommodation for grade 4 mathematics items and above. This is to be used only for students with a documented and persistent calculation disability (i.e., dyscalculia). It can be printed for students requiring this accommodation.
Keyboard Commands for Students
Provides keyboard commands students can use to navigate between test elements, features, and tools.
Other Resources
Smarter Balanced Parents and Student Page
Provides access to fact sheets, questions and answers, and resources in English and Spanish.
English-Spanish Education and Assessment Glossary – Translation glossary developed by the California Department of Education.
A variety of resources are available from the California Department of Education (CDE) Technology Readiness Resources Web page, including information on minimum technology requirements for online testing, link to a network bandwidth checker, and the latest Information Technology Coordinator Update.
Fact Sheet on Testing – This document provides timely information about technology and administration readiness as LEAs prepare to begin online testing for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
Technical Specifications Manual
for the 2015 Administration of the Smarter Balanced Interim and Summative Assessments
Secure Browser Installation Manual
for the 2015 Administration of the Smarter Balanced Interim and Summative Assessments
Smarter Balanced Technology Web page
includes access to a variety of documents including a list of approved test-taking devices, the Smarter Balanced Technology Readiness Calculator, and the network capacity worksheet, as well as links to suggested bandwidth speed tests.
CAASPP Web site
provides access to a variety of resources to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in their steps toward technology preparedness for the spring 2015 online California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System administration. This site includes access to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS), information about the 2015 CAASPP assessments, and a list of soon-to-be released secure browsers and other important information about the Smarter Balanced assessments.
is a community of organizations devoted to collaboration on an open software suite for the support of educational assessment. The project is used by but is not exclusive to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Contact Info
California Department of Education
Assessment Development and Administration Division
1430 N Street, Suite 4409
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-8765
California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC)
Educational Testing Service
Phone: 1-800-955-2954
For additional CAASPP information, view the testing contractor’s CAASPP Web site