Q: I would like to find out more about the graduate admissions process.
A: Please refer to the Graduate Admissions section of the Computer Science web site to see application guidelines. If you have questions after visiting the web page, you may contact the CS Graduate Admissions office by phone: (650)725-3140 or by e-mail: admissions AT Q: What are the requirements for admission? What would be the most important pieces of my application?
A: Please refer to the Application Materials section in the application guidelines page. Please note that ALL pieces of the application are important.
Q: What would be the minimum GRE score required to apply to the MS CS?
A: There is no minimum requirement for GRE scores (either general or subject) but note that a high score (above 90%) is preferred.
Q: Do you have to be a Computer Science undergraduate major to apply?
A: The answer is No: no particular CS prerequisites are required before a student can apply to the CS MS program (i.e., it is not required that a student have a CS or EE undergraduate degree in order to apply).
Q: Would I have to take all CS courses again if I am a CS undergraduate major?
A: Not necessarily. You might be able to waive breadth CS courses (please see next question) if your advisor approves it once you are accepted to the MS program.
Q: I would like to find out if my undergraduate coursework satisfies the MSCS breadth requirements.
A: Please read the Guide to the MSCS Program Sheet. Note that your faculty advisor is the person who will authorize any exemptions. You will be assigned a faculty advisor if you are admitted into the MSCS program.
Q: Does the CS Department have an integrated BS/MS program?
A: Please check out this site for information about the coterm program
Part-time MS
Q: Does Stanford University offer a part-time CS master's program? A: Stanford University offers a part-time masters program called the Honors Coop Program (HCP), but it is offered to employees of affiliated companies ONLY. Please check out the web site for the HCP program at or see our HCP section. Note that the admission process is the same as the one for full-time students.
We also offer programs for students who are interested in learning the material without registering for the MS degree. This program is called the Non-Degree Options (NDO) program and is made available for employees of affiliated companies. For information about NDO, please go to or see our NDO section.
Q: What are TA-ships or RA-ships? A: TA-ships and RA-ships respectively are Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships. Both are available to graduate students. Half-time assistants receive 8-10 units of tuition coverage per quarter, during the academic year, as well as a monthly stipend. Duties for half-time assistants during the academic year involve approximately 20 hours of work per week. Teaching assistants (TAs) help an instructor teach a course by conducting discussion sections, consulting with students, grading examinations, and so on. Research assistants (RAs) help faculty and senior staff members with research in computer science.
Q: Is is possible to get an RA/TA-ship?
A: Most teaching and research assistantships are held by Ph.D. students in the Department of Computer Science. If there is an insufficient number of Ph.D. students to staff teaching and research assistantships, then these positions are open to a limited number of masters students in the department. However, masters students should not plan on being appointed to an assistantship.
Non-matriculated Students
Q: I would like to take graduate level CS classes at Stanford. Do you have exchange or extension programs?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have exchange programs with other schools (please refer to the "Exchange Programs" section of the Stanford Bulletin for exceptions). We don't allow non-matriculated students to take courses. We also do not have an extension program or offer evening or weekend courses. The only quarter in which non-Stanford students are welcome is summer. During summer quarter Stanford offers the "summer visitor" program, and non-Stanford students are allowed to enroll for one or more courses from the summer quarter offerings.
Inquiries about the Summer Visitor program should be directed to the Summer Sessions Office at, or (650)723-3109.
We have a part-time masters program called HCP and a non-degree option (NDO), but courses are only offered to employees of affiliated companies. We do not offer online courses to non-HCP/NDO students.
HCP (Honors Co-Op) Students:
Q: What is HCP?
A: HCP is the Honors Co-op Program available to employees of companies affiliated with the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD). It is a part-time program. The admissions process is exactly the same as the one specified on the CS Web pages ( Admitted students must fulfill the same requirements.
Q: How can I find out if the company I work for is affiliated with SCPD?
A: Check SCPD's web site at:
Q: How can a company become a member?
A: Check SCPD's web site at:
Q: How do I apply for admission to the MS program as an HCP student?
A: Please see the CS Graduate Admissions web site at for details on applying for admission. Note that the HCP admissions procedures are the same as those for the full-time MS program.
Q: If I am an HCP student, do I have to attend classes on campus? Do I have to come to campus for the exams?
A: The answer to both questions is NO. You can attend many (but not all) classes remotely through the Distance Learning Program of the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD). Refer to SCPD's course offerings to see which classes are offered remotely. This list varies from quarter to quarter. For classes taken remotely, you do not have to come on campus for exams.
Q: What classes are offered remotely?
A: Please refer to the course offerings section of the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) Web pages. Note that class offerings vary from quarter to quarter.
Q: Does my program sheet need to be approved?
A: Program sheets need to be approved and signed by your faculty advisor, then given to Claire Stager (Gates 182). Contact your advisor (voice mail, email) directly. If you do not hear from your advisor despite your attempts, contact the MS advisor by email at advisor AT
Q: If I apply to the HCP program, will my previous transcripts be available to my employer?
A: If you submit your transcript directly to Stanford University, your employer will NOT have access to your previous transcripts. However, any grades received in classes taken at Stanford WILL be available to your employer.
NDO (Non-Degree Option) Students:
Q: What is NDO?
A: NDO is the Non-Degree Option program available to employees of companies affiliated with the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD). Courses are taken remotely. No degree is obtained.
Q: How can I find out if the company I work for is affiliated with SCPD?
A: Check SCPD's web site at:
Q: How can a company become a member?
A: Check SCPD's web site at:
Q: How do I apply to the NDO program?
A: NDO applicants can get application forms from their company coordinators. For more information, see:
Q: What classes are offered remotely?
A: Please refer to the course offerings section of the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) Web pages. Note that classes vary from quarter to quarter.
Q: If I apply to the NDO program, will my previous transcripts be available to my employer?
A: If you submit your transcript directly to Stanford University, your employer will NOT have access to your previous transcripts. However, any grades received in classes taken at Stanford WILL be available to your employer.
Q: Can I sit in on the classes as an NDO student?
A: No. NDO students are not allowed to come to campus for classes with the exception of midterm and final exams.
Q: How many units from my NDO courses can I transfer to the HCP program if I apply and am accepted?
A: A maximum of 18 units may be transferred.
Q: Will taking courses through the NDO program help me in my application to the HCP program?
A: Taking classes through the NDO program might help you if you receive good grades. However, receiving good grades as an NDO student will not guarantee acceptance into the HCP program as many items factor into that decision (grades from previous degree(s), GRE(s), reference letters, etc.).