Research @ CS

Core Areas

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Founded in 1962, The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) has been a center of excellence for Artificial Intelligence research, teaching, theory, and practice for over fifty years.

Main AI Lab Page

Areas: Computational Biology | Computer Vision | Machine LearningNatural Language Processing | Robotics

Stanford Infolab

Database research, general purpose network analysis and graph mining.

Stanford Theory Group

The development and analysis of algorithms for a variety of settings and applications. Major directions include Complexity Theory, Cryptography, Algorithmic Game Theory, Geometric Algorithms, algorithmic techniques for internet applications, various aspects of network and computer security, databases, design and analysis of programs and programming languages, and supporting studies in combinatorial, logical, and algebraic mathematics.

Stanford Computer Graphics / Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group

Research in geometric computation, light fields and computational photography, human-computer interaction and design thinking as well as computational algorithms for a variety of applications.

Computer Systems

Computational techniques are now a major innovation catalyst for all aspects of human endeavour. Our research aims to develop tomorrow’s information technology that supports innovative applications, from big data analytics to the Internet of Things. It covers all aspects of information technology, including energy efficient and robust hardware systems, software defined networks, secure distributed systems, data science, and integrated circuits and power electronics.

Areas: ArchitectureComputer Security | Networking | Operating/Distributed Systems | Programming Systems and Verification


Faculty Profile

Name Faculty Title Research Focus
Maneesh Agrawala Professor Computer Graphics
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Alex Aiken Professor Computer Systems
Programming Systems and Verification
Peter Bailis Assistant Professor Computer Systems
Operating/Distributed Systems
Data Science
Serafim Batzoglou Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence
Computational Biology
Gill Bejerano Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence
Computational Biology
Michael Bernstein Assistant Professor Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Dan Boneh Professor Computer Security
Moses Charikar Associate Professor Theory
David Cheriton Professor Computer Systems
Operating/Distributed Systems
Steve Cooper Associate Professor Education
