Running job or CPU intensive process on scail.stanford.edu (headnode) itself is strictly prohitbited, we will kill such processes without warning.
Running job or processes outside the queuing system is strongly discouraged, sometime we kill such processes without warning if they are causing trouble to other users.
If you need to run your job outside the queuing system and/or need to reserve a batch of machines, please contactaction@ai.stanford.edu, we will review the situation and properly assign you a batch of machines for exlusive use.
When running job that requires access to AFS for more than 24 hours, please run 'reauth' before doing a qsub, your AFS token will be renewed after 24 hours.
In the current torque setup, a message that says "PBS: chdir to /afs/http://cs.stanford.edu/u/csid failed: Permission denied (running user prologue in current directory)" will appear after you successfully qsub, please ignore this message as it should have no impact to your job.